Global Locations

Nexen is the leading source of linear motion control products, with a highly trained service department. We are dedicated to customer and technical support. Please submit your contact information and we will get back to you. We are headquartered in Vadnais Heights, MN, with our manufacturing facility located in Webster, WI. Nexen products can be found through worldwide sales and distributor outlets.

Contact Nexen Directly
Additional information about Nexen regarding our products and services can be requested via email. We will respond as quickly as possible.

Contact our Distributors
Contact one of our distributors located nationwide. They stock a wide variety of our products and are very educated on usage and installation.

Contact our Sales Representatives
Experts on Nexen products, our sales representatives are happy to help you find the product you need for any application.


Corporate Headquarters

Nexen Group, Inc.

560 Oak Grove Parkway
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127

Phone: 651-484-5900
Toll-Free: 800-843-7445

Manufacturing Location

Nexen Group, Inc.

26837 Industrial Ave
Webster, WI 54893

Phone: 715-866-4298
Toll-Free: 800-843-7445


Nexen Europe Group

Koningin Astridlaan 59B
1780 Wemmel, Belgium

Phone: 32-2-461-0260

Japan/South Korea/Taiwan

Nexen Japan Group

3-3-1-403, Midori-Cho
Fucho-City, Tokyo 183 Japan

Phone: 81-423-36-6533

Australia/South East Asia/New Zealand

Norman G. Clark (A/Asia) Pty. Ltd.

44 Kylta Road
West Heidelberg, Victoria 3081 Australia

Phone: 61-3-9116-9200
Fax: 61-3-9450-8222